
AI: Artificial but not so Intelligent - The Limits of Current AI Systems

In recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made remarkable strides, captivating our imagination and transforming various aspects of our lives. From virtual assistants to autonomous vehicles, AI seems to be everywhere. However, despite its impressive capabilities in data processing and pattern recognition, current AI systems fall short of true intelligence. In this post, we’ll explore why AI, at the moment, cannot truly think and remains more of a sophisticated pattern recognition tool than a sentient being.

August 22, 2024 in technology, artificial intelligence by Scot Campbell 9 minutes

Tags: AI limitations machine learning philosophy of mind chinese room argument turing test AGI narrow AI AI ethics

The AI Anthropologist 1: Understanding Workplace Dynamics

In an era where Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming every aspect of our lives, the workplace stands as one of the most promising yet under explored frontiers for AI applications. While AI has made significant strides in automating tasks, enhancing productivity, and streamlining operations, its potential to understand and improve human dynamics within organizations is just beginning to be realized. This series introduces the concept of the AI Anthropologist—an innovative application of AI that could revolutionize our understanding of workplace culture, communication patterns, and social dynamics.

August 14, 2024 in AI, workplace by Scot Campbell 7 minutes

Tags: AI anthropologist workplace dynamics artificial intelligence organizational culture

Part of: The AI Anthropologist

Navigating the Use of AI Tools in Daily Work

Imagine walking into your office to find a new colleague at the desk next to yours. This coworker never sleeps, can process vast amounts of information in seconds, and seems to have an answer for everything. Sounds like a dream team member, right? But what if this tireless worker also lacks the ability to read between the lines, misses cultural nuances, and can’t brainstorm truly novel ideas?

August 5, 2024 in technology, workplace by Scot Campbell 10 minutes

Tags: AI productivity work ethics digital transformation

Critically Evaluating AI-Generated Content in Software Development

As AI tools become increasingly sophisticated, they offer developers new ways to streamline workflows and generate content. However, the true value of these tools lies not in their outputs alone, but in how we critically evaluate and refine those outputs. This is especially crucial when using AI to generate user stories and other project documentation. In this post, we’ll explore essential critical thinking skills and practical steps for evaluating AI-generated content, ensuring it aligns with project requirements and serves as a catalyst for deeper team discussions.

July 27, 2024 in agile methods, software development by Scot Campbell 10 minutes

Tags: AI-generated content critical evaluation user stories team collaboration analytical thinking systems thinking

AI-Powered Knowledge Management: Revolutionizing Agile Teams

Imagine this scenario: You’re deep into an Agile project, racing towards your next milestone. Amidst the flurry of sticky notes, stand-up meetings , and code reviews, a crucial question arises: “Didn’t we tackle a similar challenge last month?” The memory of a discussion lingers, but the specifics are hazy, and documentation is nowhere to be found. This situation is common in many Agile teams.

July 19, 2024 in agile development, artificial intelligence by Scot Campbell 8 minutes

Tags: agile AI collaboration knowledge management productivity team collaboration human-AI collaboration

Writing User Stories With AI 3: Beyond User Stories

As we continue to integrate AI into the process of software development, it’s essential to look beyond just writing user stories. While user stories are fundamental in defining the “what” of a project, there are tools and techniques that can greatly enhance our understanding of the “how.” This post will explore how Gherkin , sequence diagrams, and Mermaid notation can be used in conjunction with AI to bring greater clarity to functional requirements and streamline the process of automated testing. By leveraging these tools, we can create a more comprehensive and actionable set of specifications that bridge the gap between high-level user stories and detailed technical implementations. This approach not only enhances communication between stakeholders but also paves the way for more efficient development and testing processes.

July 11, 2024 in agile development, AI by Scot Campbell 7 minutes

Tags: agile AI gherkin mermaid sequence diagrams software development software testing user stories

Part of: Writing User Stories With AI

Using ChatGPT as a Panel of Experts for Problem-Solving

The rapid advancement of AI-assisted decision-making tools has opened up new possibilities for problem-solving and analysis. Among these innovations, one method that stands out is the creation of a virtual Panel of Experts using ChatGPT. This approach goes beyond simply seeking quick answers; it aims to replicate the depth and nuance of collaborative thinking found in real-world expert panels.

At its core, this method leverages a multi-round structure to dive deep into complex issues. By guiding ChatGPT through several focused rounds of discussion, we can simulate the kind of comprehensive, iterative dialogue that typically occurs among human experts. The result? Well-rounded, actionable insights that can shed new light on challenging problems.

July 3, 2024 in artificial intelligence, decision making by Scot Campbell 8 minutes

Tags: AI-assisted analysis chatgpt expert panels multi-round discussions panel of experts strategic decision making

Writing User Stories With AI 2: Fine-Tuning Your Prompt

In the first part of our series on writing user stories with AI, we explored the foundational steps to prepare an AI, such as ChatGPT, to write user stories that meet the needs of an Agile development team. Now, it’s time to dive deeper into the next critical step: crafting and fine-tuning your prompt. A well-constructed prompt is the backbone of generating high-quality user stories. It provides the AI with the necessary context, guiding it to produce user stories that are clear, detailed, and actionable.

June 27, 2024 in agile development, AI by Scot Campbell 10 minutes

Tags: agile AI prompt engineering software development user stories

Part of: Writing User Stories With AI

Enhance Your Digital Literacy with a Media Analysis GPT

In today’s digital age, the ability to critically analyze media content is more crucial than ever. With the overwhelming influx of information—and misinformation—it’s essential to have tools that can help you assess the credibility, bias, and intent behind what you read online. One powerful way to enhance your media literacy is by creating a custom GPT within ChatGPT tailored specifically for media analysis. This innovative approach combines the power of artificial intelligence with the nuanced understanding required for effective media criticism.

June 19, 2024 in AI, media analysis by Scot Campbell 16 minutes

Tags: AI bias detection chatgpt fact-checking gpt media literacy

AI in Cybersecurity: Strategies and Best Practices

In today’s digital era, cybersecurity has become paramount for organizations of all sizes. With the increasing sophistication of cyber threats, traditional security measures are no longer sufficient. This is where artificial intelligence (AI) steps in, offering advanced capabilities to detect, prevent, and respond to cyber threats. This blog post explores how AI can enhance cybersecurity, providing strategies and best practices for its integration.

June 11, 2024 in AI, cybersecurity by Scot Campbell 5 minutes

Tags: anomaly detection artificial intelligence best practices case studies cybersecurity future trends machine learning predictive analysis security strategies threat detection