Using ChatGPT as a Panel of Experts for Problem-Solving

July 3, 2024 in artificial intelligence, decision making by Scot Campbell 8 minutes

Tags: AI-assisted analysis chatgpt expert panels multi-round discussions panel of experts strategic decision making

Explore how to use ChatGPT to simulate a multi-round expert panel discussion, enhancing decision-making and problem-solving in various fields.

The rapid advancement of AI-assisted decision-making tools has opened up new possibilities for problem-solving and analysis. Among these innovations, one method that stands out is the creation of a virtual Panel of Experts using ChatGPT. This approach goes beyond simply seeking quick answers; it aims to replicate the depth and nuance of collaborative thinking found in real-world expert panels.

At its core, this method leverages a multi-round structure to dive deep into complex issues. By guiding ChatGPT through several focused rounds of discussion, we can simulate the kind of comprehensive, iterative dialogue that typically occurs among human experts. The result? Well-rounded, actionable insights that can shed new light on challenging problems.

ChatGPT Panel of Experts

This approach isn’t just a theoretical exercise. It’s a practical tool that can be applied to a wide range of scenarios, from business strategy to policy development. By harnessing the power of AI in this structured way, we can explore problems from multiple angles, challenge our assumptions, and uncover solutions that might otherwise remain hidden.

Let’s dive into how this process works, its benefits, and some practical applications.

The Multi-Round Structure: A Closer Look

The key to this approach lies in its multi-round structure. Each round serves a specific purpose, building on the insights gained from the previous one. This structure mimics the way real expert panels often work, progressing from broad discussions to focused analysis and finally to synthesis and recommendations.

Round 1: Defining the Problem Space

We start by setting the stage. The goal here is to get a broad view of the issue at hand, much like you would in the opening session of a real panel discussion. To do this, we prompt ChatGPT to take on different expert personas, each bringing a unique perspective to the table.

For example, let’s say we’re exploring the implications of implementing a new AI system in healthcare. We might ask ChatGPT to assume the roles of:

  1. A medical practitioner
  2. An AI ethics specialist
  3. A healthcare administrator
  4. A patient advocate
  5. A data privacy expert

Each of these “experts” would then provide their initial thoughts on the issue. The medical practitioner might focus on potential improvements in diagnosis and treatment, while the ethics specialist could raise concerns about bias in AI decision-making. The healthcare administrator might discuss implementation challenges, the patient advocate could highlight concerns about personalized care, and the privacy expert might delve into data protection issues.

This round helps us map out the landscape of the problem, identifying key areas of focus and potential points of contention. It’s crucial at this stage to encourage a wide range of perspectives. Even seemingly contradictory viewpoints can be valuable, as they often reflect real-world tensions that need to be addressed.

Round 2: Deepening the Analysis

With our problem space defined, we move into a more focused analysis. This is where things get interesting. In a real panel, experts would start to engage with each other’s ideas, challenging assumptions and digging into the details. We can simulate this by prompting ChatGPT to have our virtual experts respond to and critique each other’s viewpoints.

Continuing our healthcare AI example, we might ask:

  • The ethics specialist to comment on the medical practitioner’s enthusiasm for AI diagnostics
  • The patient advocate to respond to the administrator’s implementation plan
  • The data privacy expert to evaluate the proposed AI system’s data handling practices

This round often reveals nuances and complexities that weren’t immediately apparent. It’s not uncommon to uncover potential issues or innovative solutions at this stage. The key is to encourage a balance of critical thinking and constructive dialogue.

During this phase, it’s important to guide the discussion towards specific aspects of the problem. You might focus on technical feasibility, ethical implications, cost-benefit analysis, or regulatory compliance. By diving deep into these areas, we can uncover insights that might be missed in a more superficial analysis.

Round 3: Converging on Solutions

In the final round, we guide our virtual panel towards synthesis and decision-making. This mirrors the concluding session of a real expert panel, where members work to reconcile different viewpoints and form actionable recommendations.

For this round, we might prompt ChatGPT to:

  1. Summarize the key points of agreement and disagreement among the experts
  2. Identify the most promising solutions or approaches
  3. Outline potential risks and mitigation strategies
  4. Propose a roadmap for implementation, considering the various expert perspectives

The goal is to emerge with a set of well-reasoned, balanced recommendations that take into account the multifaceted nature of the problem. This round is crucial for turning insights into action. It’s not just about identifying the best solution, but also about understanding how to implement it effectively given the various constraints and considerations raised in earlier rounds.

The Power of Iteration

What sets this approach apart is its iterative nature. Each round builds on the insights from the previous one, allowing for a progressively deeper and more nuanced exploration of the issue. This iterative process often leads to unexpected insights or creative solutions that might not have emerged from a single-round query.

Moreover, this method offers flexibility. If new information comes to light or if we realize we’ve overlooked an important aspect, we can always circle back to earlier rounds. This adaptability allows us to refine our understanding and adjust our approach as needed.

The iterative nature of this process also helps to mitigate some of the limitations of AI. While ChatGPT has access to a vast amount of information, it doesn’t have real-time knowledge or personal experience. By going through multiple rounds, we can often identify gaps in the AI’s understanding and provide additional context or information to fill those gaps.

Practical Applications

The multi-round Panel of Experts approach can be valuable in various scenarios:

  1. Strategic business decisions: When evaluating market entry strategies or product launches, this method can help businesses consider various stakeholder perspectives, market dynamics, and potential obstacles.

  2. Policy development: Policymakers can use this approach to analyze the potential impacts of new regulations, considering viewpoints from different sectors of society and anticipating unintended consequences.

  3. Research and development: In scientific fields, this method can help explore new areas of inquiry, identifying promising research directions and potential challenges.

  4. Risk assessment: For complex systems or projects, this approach can help identify and prioritize potential risks, as well as develop comprehensive mitigation strategies.

  5. Educational planning: When developing new curricula or educational programs, this method can help balance different educational philosophies and practical considerations.

  6. Technology implementation: As in our healthcare AI example, this approach can be invaluable when implementing new technologies, helping to navigate technical, ethical, and practical challenges.

  7. Environmental impact assessment: For projects with significant environmental implications, this method can help consider various ecological, economic, and social factors.

In each of these cases, the method allows us to leverage AI to explore multiple perspectives, challenge assumptions, and arrive at well-rounded conclusions.

Limitations and Considerations

While this approach can be powerful, it’s important to recognize its limitations. ChatGPT, despite its capabilities, is not a real panel of experts. It’s simulating expert dialogue based on its training data, which may not always reflect the latest developments or niche expertise.

Additionally, the quality of the output heavily depends on the quality of our prompts. Crafting effective prompts that guide the AI through this process without introducing undue bias is a skill in itself. It requires a deep understanding of the problem at hand and the ability to ask probing, insightful questions.

There’s also the risk of confirmation bias. If we’re not careful, we might inadvertently guide the AI towards conclusions we already favor. It’s crucial to remain objective and open to unexpected insights throughout the process.

Lastly, while this method can provide valuable insights, it should complement rather than replace human expertise and decision-making, especially in critical or high-stakes situations. The AI’s output should be seen as a starting point for further discussion and analysis, not as a final verdict.


Creating a virtual Panel of Experts with ChatGPT offers a structured way to explore complex issues from multiple angles. By guiding the AI through several rounds of focused discussion, we can simulate the kind of rich, iterative dialogue that characterizes real expert panels.

This approach isn’t about finding quick fixes. Instead, it’s about leveraging AI to dive deep into complex problems, challenge our assumptions, and emerge with nuanced, actionable insights. Whether you’re grappling with strategic decisions, exploring innovative solutions, or analyzing intricate systems, this method provides a robust framework for harnessing AI’s analytical capabilities.

As we continue to navigate the intersection of human expertise and artificial intelligence, techniques like this will likely play an increasingly important role in how we approach complex problem-solving and decision-making. By combining the breadth of AI’s knowledge with structured, thoughtful inquiry, we can unlock new levels of insight and innovation.

The multi-round Panel of Experts approach is just one example of how we can creatively leverage AI tools like ChatGPT. As these technologies continue to evolve, so too will our methods for harnessing their potential. The key is to remain curious, critical, and open to new possibilities. In doing so, we can ensure that AI serves as a powerful complement to human expertise, enhancing our ability to tackle the complex challenges of our time.